Sunday 1 June 2008

Monotonix Shows

So we were in the van, listening to Pantera, and thought, well, lets try something else so we shoved on some Billy Idol, Meatloaf, Le Tigre, Europe, Dire Straits and Metallica but at the end of the day, you just don't get to where you're going without putting Pantera back on.

If you think Pantera are a bit too vibratory and you want to watch an actual show, then one answer, three times over, is MONOTONIX MONOTONIX MONOTONIX! We were DJing at their show show in Bristol last night and were blown away. Chris our singer may have a moustache, but not one that is connnected to his pubes by the same matt of hair. And I've never seen Chris pull breakdance freeze poses on the drummer's back while he's playing. Nor has he chucked the nearest sanitary towel bin over drummer's head and shoved bloody tampons into his mouth without him missing a beat (apart from when the bass drum ends up at the other end of the room).

I still went home and listened to Pantera, though.

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